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I had always wanted a Son and on 09 May 2016, God listened to my prayers and Master Vishal was born. His smile and his mischievousness were always a pleasure to watch. We as a family were so happy until 15 November 2019, when Vishal was diagnosed with Thalassemia Major, a deadly blood disorder. It took us weeks to come to terms with the fact that our little ray of sunshine was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. Our whole world collapsed around us. As a father, I always prayed for his good health, helped him build his self-confidence and self-esteem with warm smiles and gentle hugs, but how do I comfort and protect him from this horrible disease? He has become extremely weak & is going through the worst days of his life. I would never wish this on my worst enemy. I hope no kid of his age ever has to go through something like this. Vishal’s strength and will during his treatment so far have kept us all going. The finest steel always has to go through the toughest fire. His health deteriorated, blood platelets fell and cells stopped regenerating. He is under treatment at hospital and requires Bone Marrow transplant to recover. The lack of funds should not take away his childhood. Unfortunately, we have exhausted all of our savings and loans on his treatment so far. We need Rs 16.50 Lakhs more for his treatment. We approached CARF for help and together we request your help. You are our only hope. Please find it in your heart to save my little boy’s life by donating however much you can for his treatment.





Baby Priyankadevi, 5 years old, is presently suffering from PNET- Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumour, (a type of Cancer). Doctors after verifying the medical investigation reports have diagnosed this child patient as the case of cancer and advised her Chemotherapy, Surgery, Radiotherapy and Suppor

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Master Vaibhav, 5 years old, is presently suffering from Cancer of Kidney, Doctors after specific medical investigations have diagnosed the disease as case of kidney cancer and advised him Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy & Surgery. His father being a farmer with limited income cannot afford to bea

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Baby Poornima, 7 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer). Doctors after verifying the medical investigation reports have diagnosed this child patient as the case of blood cancer and advised her chemotherapy and supportive care. Her father bein

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Master Adinath, 11 years old, is presently suffering from Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, (a type of Blood Cancer). Doctors after conducting necessary medical investigations have diagnosed him as a case of blood cancer and advised this child patient to undergo chemotherapy treatment at regular inte

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Baby Chaitali , 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital. Her family’s monthly income is insufficient and therefore they cannot spend the Rs. 3.28 lacs needed urgently for her treat

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Master Gourav, 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer). Doctors after specific medical investigations have diagnosed the disease as blood cancer and advised him Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy & Supportive treatment. His father being a Vendor

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Master Prakhar, 6 years old, is presently suffering from T- Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital. His family’s monthly income is insufficient and therefore they cannot spend the sum of Rs. 6 lacs needed urgently f

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Baby Diptimayee, 5 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Doctors after conducting necessary medical investigations have diagnosed her disease as a case of blood cancer and advised this child patient to undergo chemotherapy treatment at regular intervals. In addition

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Baby Kadambari, 2 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a 2 year old girl is suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a type of Blood Cancer). Doctors after specific medical investigations have diagnosed the disease as blood cancer and advised her to undergo che

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Master Vishal, 5 years old, is presently suffering from Hodgkin’s Lymphoblastic Cancer, (a type of Cancer). He has been advised by doctors to undergo chemotherapy along with surgery. His father being an ordinary labour with meagre income cannot bear huge expenses for total cancer treatm

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Master Soma, 8 years old, is presently suffering from T- Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital. His family’s monthly income is insufficient and therefore they cannot spend the sum of Rs. 6 lacs needed urgently for

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