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Jayesh has always been an active kid. He would jump around, climb trees and talk non-stop. He always had something to say and he made sure that people in the house listened to him. Art and craft fascinated him a lot. Whenever he was at home, he would draw or try to craft something out of the old newspapers.
He once made a paper bag and gave it to me. It was so beautiful. Jayesh cheered up everyone. Whenever it was time to eat, he would drag everyone and make them sit together so that everyone could eat as one big family.
However now, he is shuttling between home and hospitals for his treatment. At such a young age, his life has turned completely upside down and we can’t stop fearing for his life. What has he ever done to deserve this fate?
On 11th May 2020, Jayesh complained of high fever. His gums were also bleeding. We had no idea what was happening so we decided to visit the hospital. Numerous tests were conducted and after hours of waiting, the doctors explained the situation to us. When initially the doctor told me that Jayesh was suffering from Aplastic Anaemia, a blood disorder wherein the body stops producing blood in the bone marrow, I was simply confused.
But later when I understood the gravity of the disorder and its life-threatening nature, I was shattered into pieces. From a bubbly and playful child, my Jayesh turned into a sick and unhappy kid, whose miseries had no ends.
The doctors have said that Bone Marrow transplant for Jayesh, could get rid of the disorder once and for all. But it will cost Rs 21 lakh. Due to the abrupt lockdown, my husband lost his job and only means of income. Before he could even try to get his job back in the small shop where he worked, it had to be shut down due to lack of funds and increasing debts.
In this moment of despair we approached CARF and they have readily agreed to help us. Together we urge you to come ahead and donate for my Jayesh as much as you can and give him a new lease of life.




“My younger son Ayush was born on 25th April 2018. Welcoming my second son Ayush into the world was a moment of pure magic. As I held him for the first time, my heart swelled with an indescribable love. In that instant, I felt my life had been blessed with even more joy and happiness. His a

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I, Manohar reach out to you with a heavy heart seeking an urgent help to secure the desired treatment for my son Master Vedant, giving him a chance at a meaningful life. The moment we were blessed with Vedant, an overwhelming sense of love and joy filled our little world. In this profound journey

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My name is Nilesh. I am reaching out to you with an urgent plea desperately seeking your help to save my younger son, Master Arnav Parashar. When my son Arnav was born, I felt a happiness that words could hardly capture. Those first two years were a dream, filled with laughter and innocence. But

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There was a time when our family was our sanctuary, and every day was a blessing. In the warmth of our family, four hearts beat as one. My wife, our two children, and I, together, created a world filled with love, laughter, and dreams. We painted memories across parks, schools, and laughter-fille

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On 15th June 2019, my son Arnav was born. That was a beautiful moment which filled my heart with immeasurable joy, when I first held my baby boy. I was so overwhelmed and impatient to pure all the love that I always wanted to shower on my child. Later, when he grew a little, I remember teaching A

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“I, Mangesh, hereby extend my earnest plea with an appeal that holds immense significance in saving the life of my beloved son, Master Chirag. Blessed with two sons, my heart overflew with joy, their laughter painting life's canvas with vibrant hues of love. They have been a cherished g

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“I, Girish, hereby request the humble support to all compassionate souls reading my appeal to save my son Master Shivansh. It was an emotional journey, a beautiful blend of joy, excitement and vulnerability when we became the first time parents. Still we remember the anticipation of holding

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“As a mother, I can say that motherhood is a journey that defies description. The journey of motherhood is not just about giving birth; it's about giving life in every sense of the word. From the moment I held my son Khemraj in my arms, I discovered the nuances of motherhood. I learnt t

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Meet our little patient Shubham. This seven year old warrior is bravely battling a rare life-threatening condition “Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)”. We are urgently seeking your support to enable Shubam to receive the life-saving treatment he desperately needs.


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I, Dhirendra, plead to you today with a heavy heart, seeking your support and generosity in helping me to save the life of my son – Master Aman. Parenthood is a thrilling blessing that fills our hearts with joy. Watching our children grow each milestone becomes a treasure for us. Our elder

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“Becoming a parent is an incredible journey that forever changes our lives. From the moment our little boy was born, our hearts were filled with an overwhelming surge of unconditional love. Our hearts overflowed with love and happiness. We witnessed his first steps, heard his contagious lau

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