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I, Sanjay, hereby seek an emergency appeal to save my 14-years-old son harsh raj with an urgent treatment to recover his illness.“It brought us immense happiness and excitement when our twin sons Harsh Raj and Yash Raj were born. Our children are the precious part of our lives. Even though they have entered their teenage, we adored their each activity and always felt proud that now all our children have grown up enough to understand our struggles and hardships of life. Unfortunately, we did not expect our life's peaceful journey would stay for a short term. It was during August 2021, our son Harsh Raj began falling sick frequently with constant fever and coughs. We underwent all the prescribed medical plan, but there was no improvement. Then, one day we noticed swelling around his neck. Thereafter, re-consulting our pediatrician, we did the blood tests, in which after ruling out certain changes, we were advised for some other medical tests, through which he was diagnosed of a rare type of blood cancer known as "High Risk Mixed Pheotypic Leukemia (MPAL)." Since then, we have been promptly following the recommended medical plan with monthly blood transfusion. But after six months, Harsh's health started developing certain complications. According to the doctors, he needs an urgent bone marrow transplant to survive, for which the estimated cost is around Rs. 30,00,000/- approx.  Earlier I worked as a Salesman in a local shop. Now, I am unable to go to work, as I am struggling to save my son. Painfully, I can't give him the life-saving treatment he requires now. I am just an ordinary man watching helplessly as my son pays the price of my poverty. As a parent, now I can only request your kind support to Cancer Aid & Research Foundation (CARF), who has ensured in helping my son live.”

Mr. Sanjay, Father of Harsh Raj




My son has been fighting for his life since he was a 5-year-old. Now years later, he is still fighting. However, the cancer seems to take more and more control of his body. I can’t help but think, will God spare my child this time or will cancer actually take him away from me? In 2016 he wa

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The most painful thing one has to face in life is when his only son is bed ridden and is struggling to survive and you have no ways to comfort him. 2 years back Master Suraj was a regular school going child who aspired to play cricket professionally. All this aspirations came to a standstill when

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In the last week of December 2019, Baby Vedika fell severely ill. She lost her appetite, started having fever frequently and developed a huge ulcer on her lip. So we rushed him to the hospital where the doctors started her treatment. The treatment didn’t seem to be working and, in the secon

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Jayesh has always been an active kid. He would jump around, climb trees and talk non-stop. He always had something to say and he made sure that people in the house listened to him. Art and craft fascinated him a lot. Whenever he was at home, he would draw or try to craft something out of the old

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I had always wanted a Son and on 09 May 2016, God listened to my prayers and Master Vishal was born. His smile and his mischievousness were always a pleasure to watch. We as a family were so happy until 15 November 2019, when Vishal was diagnosed with Thalassemia Major, a deadly blood disorder. I

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My Baby Battles For His Life and We Need Your Support to Save Him. As parents, we kiss our children when they are in pain, and build confidence and self-esteem with our warm smiles and gentle hugs, but how do we comfort our babies when the unimaginable happens? How do you comfort and protect

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I never thought that this pandemic is going to take so much from me. Few months before, I lost my job. And then found out that our son is struggling with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. For a parent, their children are everything. For whom they would do anything. But I stand at such a point where

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As a parent, the love for your child goes beyond boundaries and your life’s purpose is to protect your child. But what do you do when the unthinkable happens? How do you comfort and protect when you hear that your child has cancer?  All this came as a shock when our daughter Baby Aarya

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My eyes fill up with tears when I look at my son’s face. He is so young and he is going through so much. I tell him this is going to get over, that we will go back home soon but I know this is just the beginning. The cancer in his body is spreading rapidly and there is no way we can stop th

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I am really heartbroken and exhausted. It’s been a year full of hospital visits and pain for our son. Above all, we are watching our son struggle from this deadly disease. Now, as he fights for his life in the hospital, all I can do is pray. Sai was like any other 5-year-old before cancer r

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I have lost one child; I don’t want to lose another to Cancer. It is said that "Prayers have healing powers" and we are deep believers and strong proponents of such a foundational idea. Even after going through such a disastrous situation of losing our child due to cardio respirat

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