Food Distribution

Food is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale. Every Human has the right to good food. As the world is struggling because of hunger and poverty, CARF has initiated the idea to distribute food to people who are in need. Every year food is distributed to the needy people staying near the premises of Tata, Wadia and KEM hospital. Regularly food is distributed to the inmates of Sant Ghadge Maharaj Dharamshala. Food grain packets are distributed to inmates at Noori Musafir Khana. Many donors have readily contributed to be involved in this noble deed.


Special features

  • More than 350 people stay at Sant Ghadge Maharaj dharamshalawho are served with food.
  • More than 150 inmates at Noori Musafir Khana are given food grain kit regularly.
  • More than 300 people staying near Tata, Wadia and KEM hospital are served with cooked meal regularly.
  • Active participation to eradicate hunger and poverty.
  • Providing Maximum help to people in need
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